Hello everyday Astronauts!

We are happy to welcome you to our UfO Safe_r Space, ready for take-off.
The UfO (gr. “Unser Feministischer Ort” = “Our Feminist Place”) is a queer_feminist retreat and networking space for women, lesbians, as well as inter*, non-binary, trans* and agender (WLINTA+ for short) people.

If you stand in front of the cafeteria just pass under building, past the swimming pool and the Unikum-stages. Then turn a right before you walk into the nature sanctuary site. From now on, you can easily recognise the UfO by the colourful graffiti walls on the back of the Mensa building.

Starting this semester, we finally have the necessary team capacity for two weekly Cozy Lab, which invite you to stay and exchange on a regular basis. Every month there will also be a special event, the Queer Video Game Night and a creative meeting. You can find more detailed information about the respective times on our Instagram account, as a monthly notice on the door of the UfO and also at the end of this text.
In addition, meetings for different groups and interests can be organized independently with the help of a booking system. Currently, there is a workgroup on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and a queer WLINTA+ neurodivergence group twice a month.
The room can be used freely, as WLINTA+ people can borrow a key for the UfO via the university’s info point. There is a gender-neutral toilet, books to read and borrow, and a small kitchenette. The UfO thus spatially combines living room, library and meeting place. The room is accessible by (e-)wheelchair, the toilet unfortunately not.

For people who are discriminated against in the patriarchy, it can be significant to exchange their experiences in a safer space and to experience collective support. In doing so, diverse needs among each other as well as with regard to intersectional power relations should be taken into account. We wish for an approach that is critical of discrimination, based on solidarity and leaves room for responsible learning processes.

The UfO is a project from FemRef but independently organised in terms of content and staff.
Our program can be found in the semester program booklet as well as the website and is easily recognized by the little rockets!

Queer Game Night
– 14.03.2025
– 18:00 – 21:00