Self Conception

The society we live in is structured by relations of oppression. Sexism, cis_heteronormativity, homo-, inter- and trans-hostility, rejectionism, racism, classism, anti-Semitism, discrimination against Sint*ezze and Rom*nja, Islamophobia, hegemonic_dominant masculinity,… do not exist independently of each other, but are interconnected and reinforce each other. Due to these conditions, the university is also a place of structural exclusion – people‘s access to the university is made structurally difficult or impossible, students are hindered in their participation in the university.

The Oldenburg FemRef has been in existence since 1978. Every year, a new collective of WLINTA+ students is elected and works to identify and dismantle discrimination, to offer protection and freedom, and to create and maintain empowering offers.  In addition, we support initiatives with a (queer-)feminist claim, which are located in the north-western area and/or Oldenburg and also support in general CvO University students (WLINTA+ only).

The FemRef is also a place where positions have to be discussed and updated again and again. We want to create a place for us and for you, where we can learn with and from each other, where mistakes are allowed to happen, but for which we also take responsibility. Also with us it comes to the fact that contentwise arguments come too briefly, and we forget things beside study and (wage) work or simply do not know yet. We are happy about any criticism and also just hints or comments about our work – queerfeminist action means for us also to unite and to fight together. We stand in solidarity with people who experience discrimination. Our feminism is queer and intersectional. It is important to us to make different perspectives visible, to promote and to support them. That’s why we try to make our events broad, so that there are different possibilities for you to learn something new, to get into discussion and to empower yourself. Our life realities and perspectives are diverse, but not all-encompassing. So if you notice any problems, feel free to contact us, write us an email or drop a note in the mailbox at our office door – we also appreciate feedback or just a chat in the office. We want to offer you cool structures and offers to give a counterweight to the everyday crap that happens.