About us

Dear WLINTA+ and queer_feminist interested folks

It‘s time: The new semester starts, CPs have to be collected, seminars have to be attended and fries have to be eaten. To make sure that your everyday life doesn‘t become too monotonous, you can embellish your university life with queerfeminist events.

There are too many places at the university where discrimination is common and criticism of the structures is dismissed with a silent headshake. We want to fight this and make the university a place that is truly for everyone!
Looking at the fact that the our university is cellebrating it‘s 50th birthday and claiming once more the title as reformist university we have to get involved. „Always open for new ways and ideas“ – easy to say, nice words. But now‘s the time to actually do something to make them into reality. Especially concerning university politics we want to encourage you to get loud, let your voices be heard by us and everyone else. Visit us in our office, attend the plenary or join the StuPa and AStA meetings.
How ever you want and can, beacuse: your voice matters!

As a way to counter ballance the everyday we are happy to finally present our new semester program with exciting events and some surprises. This semester we have prepared a diverse program with a wide variety of offerings: From readings to workshops to just hanging out, it‘s all here. We hope that there will be a lot of interesting things for you and that we will see each other again from time to time in the new semester!

Greetings in solidarity
Your FemRef Team